There's something special about mermaids in the way that they never go out of style. Whether you were a kid then or now, surely you can remember a time in your life when mermaids were all the rage. The mermaid trend is still holding strong and we're here to spread the mermaid love by rounding up ...
crafts for kids
Fun Back To School Crafts
Just like that, in the blink of an eye, summer has come to end. It's certain that so much fun was had throughout the summer months, but just because fall is knocking on our door does not mean the fun has to end there. There are so many fun activities and crafts you can do with or for your kids ...
Fun Summer Family Activities
Summer is right around the corner so it's time to start planning! Summer is a great time of year to spend with family, not only because of the great weather, but also because the children are out of school. But with the idea of no school, that also means plenty of hours to fill with some form of ...
Resin Unicorn Horn Painted Rock Magnet DIY
Resin Unicorn Horn Painted Rock Magnet Natalie from Doodlecraft here, with another especially cute resin craft. This Resin Unicorn horn painted rock magnet is easy to make and oh, so cute! Decorate a fridge, locker or office with this adorable magnet...or use it as a darling paperweight or party ...
Fun Art Projects To Create This Summer
We here at Resin Crafts Blog think that one of the best things you can do is make time for yourself and the things you love to do. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, our hobbies can easily fall to the wayside; making time in your busy life to create something new and get inspired is ...
10 Fun Ways to Get Kids Crafting for Summer!
It's officially summer... Memorial Day has passed, school is out and parents everywhere are collectively wondering how to keep the kids entertained for 3 months in a productive way. These 10 ideas cover a variety of age groups, are great outdoor activities (with a few thrown in for rainy days!) and ...