It’s that wonderful time of year when the big oak tree in my little front yard makes a huge mess! More accurately, the squirrels who are constantly hunting for the acorns on the tree make a huge mess. They break branches and knock the nuts down.
Making Acorn Napkin Rings with FastCast
Before they got to all of the acorns, I collected a few for this fun fall craft idea. I’ve been imagining making acorn napkin rings for a while now and it felt like the perfect time. I love incorporating nature into my home decor and there couldn’t be more inspiration than at this time of year.

To see how I made the napkin ring mold with Silicone Rubber, head on over to my blog Sustain My Craft Habit. Then come back here and read about how I used the mold and FastCast Resin to make a whole set of these adorable rings.
FastCast is a super fast drying resin so when you’re making multiple napkin rings using one mold, this is the type of resin to use. It dries an opaque white color and can be left as is or can even be painted in any color using regular acrylic paints. Wouldn’t they look elegant painted in a pretty metallic gold paint color? For now, I’m enjoying them as is, au natural, as they remind me of smooth, creamy butter.
For more nature-inspired DIY napkin rings, check out this resin leaf napkin ring tutorial as well as these Autumn leaf napkin rings.
Materials Needed:
- Acorn ring silicone mold (refer to our how-to post for making an acorn ring silicone mold)
- FastCast Urethane Casting Resin
- Measuring cups, wooden stir sticks, paper towels, gloves

Instructions for Making an Acorn Napkin Ring:
Read all instructions in the FastCast Urethane Casting Resin package prior to starting. Remember to cover your working surface and work in a well-ventilated area.
Mix equal parts of the two resin components in a measuring cup.

Stir for 30 seconds and then pour into a second cup.

Stir for another 30 seconds and then immediately pour into the mold.

Pour the mold about ⅔ full.
Leave on a level surface. Within a couple of minutes the clear FastCast resin mixture will start to turn white. The resin will be fully cured within 10 minutes.

Carefully remove the acorn ring from the mold. It took quite a bit of gentle pulling and prodding to remove the ring.

Ta da! I was so happy with how it came out. I had no idea if the mold would work and I was so pretty excited to see that it did.
There was a bit of residue on the pieces from the original acorns which I couldn’t get out of the mold when I made it.

After the second acorn napkin ring, the residue dissipated and they turned out quite clear. It almost looks like white chocolate, doesn’t it?

I love how my new acorn napkin rings look on my simple fall tablescape. If you prefer more colourful acorns, you can paint the FastCast with any acrylic paint you’d like!

Do you have any favourite acorn crafts?
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Jane and Sonja are sisters, moms and lifelong craft addicts both living near Toronto, Canada with their families. They share their love of creativity, nature and coastal DIY ideas on their blog Sustain My Craft Habit. They craft and decorate their homes using repurposed and upcycled items and materials found in nature.
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