Making customized jewelry is so much fun. Today I’d like to share this technique with you so that you can see how quick and easy it is to create jewelry that looks great and is customized to be exactly what you want. The options are endless, so unleash your creativity and follow this tutorial to create your own!
Easy DIY Abstract Paint and Resin Necklaces
- Envirotex Jewelry Resin Kit (includes resin, hardener, mixing cups, stir sticks, plastic glove, instructions.)
- Acrylic Paints
- Jewelry Bezels
- Toothpicks
- Micro butane torch (optional)
Applying Paint:
Drop random drops of paint using a few different colors into your bezels.
Add enough paint that you’ll be able to cover the bottom of the bezel completely.
Use toothpicks to drag the colors around, covering the bottom, and making designs in the paint. Be sure not to over mix the colors or they will turn brown. I did very little mixing, just pulled the toothpick from one color to the next in a couple different patterns.
For this I just pulled color from the middle outward.
For this one I swirled the colors, but was careful not to swirl too many times.
Finally on this one I pulled from one side upward.
Now let the paint dry completely. I gave them overnight to dry. As you can see, the paint shrinks and turns into a plain matte finish.
Adding Resin:
Time to make those necklaces beautiful! Resin gives it a very polished and finished look.
First, you’ll put on your gloves and mix equal amounts of part A and part B of the resin in the small mixing cups that come in your kit. For these three necklaces I used 1/4 oz. of each and had plenty.
Mix them thoroughly together until it is no longer cloudy.
Now pour the mixture into a second cup and stir again. This ensures that ALL of the resin is thoroughly mixed and you will have no soft spots.
Now pour the resin into the bezels with care. Be sure not to over pour. Go slowly. You have about 20 minutes of working time with this resin so there is no reason to rush and spill.
I used some spare toothpicks to make the bezels level since the loop where the necklace goes through protrudes a little on the back.
Either exhale over the pendants to pop the bubbles or use a micro butane torch. The carbon dioxide is what pops the bubbles.
Voila! Now you have beautiful, unique and easily made Paint and Resin Necklaces! Make one for every outfit!
If you like these necklaces, please SHARE by pinning this image to Pinterest!
Sheri is a Maker and DIY blogger at Hazel + Gold Designs. She is usually in the middle of multiple projects at once and finds great satisfaction and joy in creating something new. She is constantly learning new skills, putting them to the test, and sharing her experience and knowledge with others. Her favorite hobbies are crafting, painting, crocheting and basic woodworking. Her goal is to inspire others to step out of their comfort zone, learn a new skill and have the confidence to make their life a little more beautiful!
A super idea and method to design div abstract paint and resin necklaces you have shared with us. Definitely I would try at home